An imaginarium...

Zanana & Mardana

The Zanana (women) and Mardana (men) quarters, designed historically for the ladies and men respectively, offer hints to Rajput’s culture and traditional customs like pardah. They reflect the grandeur of mehfils and baithak. Zanana and Mardana’s spaces today serve as the common dining and lounging areas for the guests at Brij Lakshman Sagar. They overlook the majestic panoramic views of the lake and the entire property.


The Hand carved pools in Pali has featured on many ‘Most Lustful Pool’ lists around the world.


While Brij Lakshman Sagar offers a host of varied experiences to enjoy, we encourage our guests to turn down the pace on their often hectic journeys through Rajasthan to enjoy the basic simplicities of life at Lakshman Sagar. From sitting by the pool to having a relaxed afternoon massage at our spa in Pali, the do-nothing concept lies at the heart of all the experiences at Brij Lakshman Sagar.